When I started studying photography, it was film photography what really made me fall in love with it. But digital photography is more convenient when you are a beginner, considering that you will make lots of mistakes and you don’t want to spend money with bad analog photos. So, I invested time learning how to edit my digital photos to make them look like film photography. However, my goal has always been to return shooting film and there were many rolls in my fridge waiting to be shot.

I started this personal project while I was living in Ukraine but I only shot a few rolls. I really took it seriously after the workshop with Nikki. So, in September of 2019, I started shooting all my personal photos on film during a summer road trip to the French Riviera. The first roll was sitting inside my Olympus OM2-n since 2015 and I had no idea about what the outcome would be. Everything turned out alright and film photography never ceases to amaze me. I loved the Fuji Superia 400 tones and here are some photos from this roll. I shot them during our stay in Nice.

I also shot with a Fujichrome Provia 100 during this road trip and the photos below are from this roll. Unfortunately, the development for slide film is a bit expensive and I can only shoot during the summer due to the low ISO. The tones are beautiful though. I shot them in Menton and Monaco.

I am very pleased to have those warm summer days documented on film. I was really missing the beach vibes. I hope these photos bring you that same feeling. I will be sharing more photos from this personal project here, so stay tuned if you also appreciate film photography.